Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 10: All or Nothing

Day 10:  03-11-2013

I am an all or nothing guy.  This is most recently evidenced by my weight changes over the last two years.  During last school year we started a Biggest Loser type challenge.  We pitted staff members against each other with the support of our PTO.  There were three winners declared.  I crushed the competition.  I dropped some 65 pounds in 6 months.  Eating well and running had become a key part of my life.  I really felt I had achieved that ever elusive lifestyle change we are all looking for.  Life was good.  I had run the longest run of my life: 7.1 miles.  I was in my all phase.  I joined my colleagues in summer softball league where I injured myself.  I pulled both of my sartorial muscles.  It was a hell of a play, and I very quickly became unable to run.

Enter my nothing phase.  At first it was no big deal.  I couldn't walk so I was forced to sit still.  I don't do still very well.  The running joke is that I have Restless Body Syndrome.  At first it was a consolation bowl of ice cream, then a pizza because the wife was out and I could make dinner.  It was one thing after another.  And  I was all in...again.  This time, however, it was food.  Anything decadent and savory.  One year and 50 pounds later, I feel like nothing.

I have always had a hard time just relaxing.  My first year as a teacher and what do I do?  I get a second job.  Which turned into a full time gig, then I added additional duties at a school.  Eventually it ran me so far into the ground that a common cold turned viral meningitis.  That was a crazy year.  Maybe I'll relive it another night.

So how is this time any different?  Well, I'm involving others.  My wife has started her own journey on the road to wellness and has shown me a lot of support and encouragement.  Mutual support in the home makes for better choices all around.  I don't want to tempt her from her commitment  she doesn't want to tempt me either.  It means a lot less sweets and treats in the house.  I am getting crazy support from friends on Facebook and Google+.  But most importantly, this journal.  This thing has caused me to look a little deeper at myself and I believe that will be all the difference.   It's keeping me honest.  I've always considered myself a man of integrity, yet somehow manage to lie to myself where food is involved.  One cookie won't hurt, right?  Until one cookie becomes a box.  But I digress.  I am writing this late and I am tired.

More tomorrow...

Here are my stats for Day 10:

Food Intake:
Breakfast:  Whole fruit smoothie (2 bananas, 1/2 c strawberries, 1/2 c pineapple/mango mix, 1/2 c raspberry/blueberry/blackberry mix, 2 T ground flax seed, 1 t cinnamon)
Lunch:  Ginormous salad (romaine, olives, tomato, bell peppers, cottage cheese)
Dinner:  TBLT
Snacks:  Tuna and cottage cheese on rice cakes

Type:  Run
Workout:  Extended intervals (1 mile run, 1 minute rest)
Distance:  3.5 miles
Time:  40 minutes

10 days down, a lifetime to go...


  1. Isn't changing decades worth of poor food choices a tough lifestyle change? I have to tell you...on Sunday the hubby went and got a box full of fresh donuts! I turned them down. It was hard. He was surprised. I had started to make better choices the past few days concerning food. Later I told him about your journey and your blog and how it had inspired me. He said if I was committing to be healthier than he would too. Sunday night I went to the store and loaded up on lots of healthy food and smacks. It does make a difference when you commit as a team. Now to start incorporating some exercise.

    1. Thats great Shelly. I'm amazef at your will power. I had to make my decision when temptation was not in the table (quite literally). Its getting wsrmer, start by getting the family out for a walk. You can fo this!

    2. Thats great Shelly. I'm amazef at your will power. I had to make my decision when temptation was not in the table (quite literally). Its getting wsrmer, start by getting the family out for a walk. You can fo this!

  2. "Mutual support in the home makes for better choices all around." So proud and jealous of you both at the same time. /love from New York

    1. You're one of the best, Ash! No need to be jealous. I mean, you live in New York...
